Making Room

I’m an only child.  Sometimes I hate it.  Sometimes I love it.  But I always knew that when it came time for me to have my own family, it was going to be big.  And then, practicality set in.  Morning sickness was hard.  Post-partum depression was even harder.  Preschool tuition is sobering, and let’s not […]

Oh Crap, the Three’s

As Ella’s third birthday approached, I actually started to feel myself breathe easier.  We’re still not potty trained (not even close) but we seemed to weather the two’s with only minor battle wounds to show for it.   On the one hand, a part of me was nostalgic because really, there’s just no way to […]

Lessons In Chocolate

Jake and I have never been big Valentine’s Day people. We avoid going out to eat- opting to stay home, cook a nice dinner, and open up a good bottle of wine. We usually exchange cards, and occasionally there are flowers for me, and that’s usually it. Very low key. Now, if you know me, […]

Come One, Come All

In about 4 hours, there will be approximately 65 people coming over to celebrate my little guy’s first birthday. So why am I sitting here writing a blog? Um, that’s a good question. I don’t know. It could be that I’m in denial of all that I still have left to do. Or it might […]