"How to Sleep Deprive Your Mommy" (reposted)

Since I have a few friends who have just become new mamas (and some that are new mamas again) I am reposting this because, well, it seems that babies everywhere are staging a coup through sleep deprivation. Grab another cup of coffee and enjoy! “Dear Fellow Babies, OK, here’s my situation. My Mommy has had […]

Love for the Woombie

I have said it over and over, but it bears repeating: If the epidural was the best money I ever spent pre-baby, then this was the best money I ever spent post-baby. (And a heckuva lot cheaper than the epidural). I was skeptical, at first, that this cocoon-looking sack would really give my tired, hormonal […]

The Timeline of "Tired"

It’s currently week 11 of Milo’s middle-of-the-night munching. This is exactly four and a half weeks past the point that Ella decided to be an angel and sleep through the night. (Yes, I now painfully understand how lucky we were with her). At first, I was naive enough to think that putting him in the […]

Ode to Sleep

We’ve arrived at our last weekend as a family of three. And it started abruptly at 6:01 a.m. when my normally good sleeper decided she would throw her binky out of her crib and then talk (read: whine) about it. I guess she figures that since we’re *this* close to having a newborn in our […]

Ode to the Woombie

What’s the value of a full night’s sleep?  Can you put a price tag on sanity, you ask?  Well, I’m here to tell you- YES- yes, you can put a price tag on it.   I’m happy to announce that for me, the cost was a mere $28.95 (plus shipping and handling).   Don’t be […]