Just Like That.

        Hormones are a funny thing.  You’d think, having gone through two births and recoveries, I would have been better equipped the third time around. Instead, the day we came home from the hospital with Olive, I plopped down on my bed (okay, I actually lowered myself very gingerly) and sobbed because […]

Memory Banks

Dear Ella, One day when you’re older, you might read this blog…and you’ll probably cringe just a little.  Okay, maybe a lot.  You’ll probably be embarrassed, but just remember, one day you’ll be lucky enough to have your turn at humiliating your own kids.  (It’ll be as awesome as everyone tells you it is).   […]

Whose Tantrum Is It Anyway?

Confession:  I get into arguments with my three year old.  I wish I could say I was kidding.   Some days, I find the inner strength to take the higher road, keep my voice calm and steady.  “Love, I understand you’re upset, but you really need to take a nap.”  Or, as I stealthily dodge a […]

Poop Art & the Art of Poop

“Is that chocolate, or poop?  Here, let me smell.” If you’ve ever uttered those words, you’re either a mom, or someone who is entirely too curious for their own good.  (If it’s the latter, please go get help). As a mommy, I bear many titles.  “Expert of all things poop” is not one I thought I’d ever add […]

"Good Part, Sad Part"

For the past several months, we’ve been doing “good part, sad part” of our days at the dinner table.  It took a little while to catch on, but now it’s a regular thing with our family and Ella is often the one who initiates the conversation, which I love. After a particularly rough afternoon and […]

Oh Crap, the Three’s

As Ella’s third birthday approached, I actually started to feel myself breathe easier.  We’re still not potty trained (not even close) but we seemed to weather the two’s with only minor battle wounds to show for it.   On the one hand, a part of me was nostalgic because really, there’s just no way to […]

How Low Can You Go?

It’s never a good sign when your daughter is already crying before she sets foot in your room at 6:25 a.m. Ella had clearly gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Which reminds me, I’d like to meet the person who coined the phrase, “the wrong side of the bed.” I’d […]

Dear Ella. . .

Dear Ella, We have not had the best day today. My mommy brain is trying desperately to understand what the big difference is between the clementine I handed you for a snack and the one you said you wanted. They are both orange. They are both round. They are the same size. Neither one of […]

P52 Challenge: "Made With Love"

I have posted several times how mommy-hood has turned me into a sentimental shmuck. Although I still continue to ridicule my parents for proudly displaying choice pieces of truly “special” artwork from my childhood, I can at least say that I finally have the perspective that comes with from giving birth (hell, I almost cried […]