“Mommy’s Sorry.” Again.

I think it’s important that children see their parents apologizing to them, admitting they were wrong or out of line.  I can still remember numerous times as a child when my mom or dad would come to me, one-on-one, and ask for my forgiveness.   One time when I was in the third grade, my […]

Full Circle

So it appears, my immune system has an uncanny ability to sense when I’m on vacation.  Maybe it was the salty air, or the crisp citrusy white wine.   Or, it could have been the fact that at some point in the week leading up to our vacation, I simply said, “I’m so excited to […]

Oh Christmas Tree

I’ve talked about the crappy Christmas puff painting “art” that I did for my parents (sadly, when I was old enough to know better). They kept it. They had it laminated. And every year, it claimed a spot right in the middle of my parents’ refrigerator. *cringes* Oh the embarrassment. Why, I wondered, was there […]

Dear Milo…

You don’t even know what’s coming. Right now, all you know is quiet contentment- the warmth and darkness of your now overly cramped living quarters and the gentle swooshing of your Momma’s heartbeat. But in just a few hours, you’re going to be pulled, kicking and screaming (quite literally) into something cold and foreign, with […]

Purple Elmo’s

I love watching Ella color. I love the non-conformity with which she scribbles. Lines? Who cares about staying in the lines? Who cares if she colors Elmo black, then red, then a couple of shades of purple and gives him a blue nose. Sometimes, i just want to crawl inside her head and see what […]

A Work of Art

My parents have this picture I made for them when I was about ten years old. It’s a picture of Santa Claus and a Christmas tree with toys under it. And, just to show that I was versatile in various mediums, I went all out and used puff paint for this particular masterpiece. Yep, I […]

Where did the time go??

Many transformations happen when you cross the threshold into motherhood. There’s an obvious physical realm that many can recognize right away. Your hormones take a trip to hell and back- sometimes several times a day- for the first 5 months. Your husband will not understand this and will eventually resign himself to sitting beside you […]