Full Circle

So it appears, my immune system has an uncanny ability to sense when I’m on vacation.  Maybe it was the salty air, or the crisp citrusy white wine.   Or, it could have been the fact that at some point in the week leading up to our vacation, I simply said, “I’m so excited to […]

Poop Art & the Art of Poop

“Is that chocolate, or poop?  Here, let me smell.” If you’ve ever uttered those words, you’re either a mom, or someone who is entirely too curious for their own good.  (If it’s the latter, please go get help). As a mommy, I bear many titles.  “Expert of all things poop” is not one I thought I’d ever add […]

Milo Takes Flight

“It was bound to happen sooner or later, I suppose.” I’ve heard this phrase a good many times since the kids were born. Maybe it’s just me, but I almost always have high expectations that either saying or hearing it will make me feel better, and I’m always sorely disappointed. And hey, speaking of “sore,”… […]

Sometimes Love Hurts

Milo is loving life right now (well, except for yesterday- but that’s another post). If I were to list his current “hobbies,” they would include: pinching (he’s perfecting that pincer grip and especially enjoys using it on the tender, meaty parts of the backs of my arms), pterodactyl-like screeching, drooling, gnawing, the tummy twist-and-shimmy (a […]

The Timeline of "Tired"

It’s currently week 11 of Milo’s middle-of-the-night munching. This is exactly four and a half weeks past the point that Ella decided to be an angel and sleep through the night. (Yes, I now painfully understand how lucky we were with her). At first, I was naive enough to think that putting him in the […]