Just a Giggle

A good friend of mine and I were recounting the other day a funny experience I had while I was at VCU. It was one of those embarrassingly hilarious moments that has lived on, despite the fact that it still kinda makes me want to crawl under a table when I think about it. I […]

Inappropriate Lyrics

I truly thought I was pretty well versed in nursery rhymes and kiddie songs by this point. I mean, I literally fall asleep and wake up to lyrics of songs like, “Don’t Bite Your Friends” and “The Poop Goes in the Potty”. Somehow, I think they lack staying power (except in the darkest recesses of […]

Anatomically IN-Correct

There are certain conversations you just never picture having with your kids until the moment that you actually have them. Luckily, we aren’t having the “where do babies come from” talk for a good long while, but Jake and I are already arguing about who has (I mean “gets”) to have that convo. These days, […]

Girl, Interrupted

I’m a very hard person to talk to on the phone these days. Most times, I resort to texting because at least I don’t feel as bad when I get interrupted for the 11th time by a diaper blowout/impromptu dance party/meltdown over not going outside. Or in Milo’s case, a painful gas bubble. Luckily, most […]

The Art of the Shart.

Yep, I just said it. During Milo’s first month, it never failed that I would no sooner get a clean diaper on him than his little face would turn beet red and the “gas” that I thought he had already gotten out of his system decided to make another forceful exit- and bring some friends […]

The Gender-Defender Post

Ever meet those people that assume that when God created dogs, they were all female? I happen to know these people exist because I’ve heard them say, “hey there girl!” to my dog, sometimes within seconds of him cocking a leg over his favorite pee stone. I was never offended when this happened to our […]