More Than Fine

Just a few weeks ago, I was wrapping up a skype session with my emetophobia therapist. I had the calendar on my phone pulled up like I usually do to mark down our next session. For several months, we met with consistency every Thursday evening for an hour. Then, after some considerable progress had been […]

Small Word, Big Perspective

Have you ever realized how much power is taken out of something if you were to place the word “just” in front of it? Lately, I’ve been thinking about how much anxiety could be reduced in my life if I started implementing this one, simple word into my vocabulary more often. Most people who struggle […]

Germs, Germs…

It’s only a matter of time before your kids experience their first “throw-up bug.” And I know what you’re thinking- so what? It’s true that for most people, this is not a major consideration when it comes to having kids, but it is for some people who struggle with emetophobia. Some emetophobic women ultimately decide […]

Slow and Steady

There’s no other way to say it: some days, it’s still hard for me to accept that anxiety is a regular part of my life. It’s not who I am, but it sure does feel that way. On the one hand, I know I’m making progress because I probably wouldn’t have setbacks (at least, what […]

"Do-Over" (and over and over and over)

I’ve often made mention of Ella’s obsession with Yo Gabba Gabba. Because of that, I frequently walk around the house/grocery store/Target singing their very crack-infused but catchy songs. One of Ella’s favorite’s is “keep trying, keep trying, don’t give up, never give up. . .” She’ll sing it to herself sometimes, when she’s trying to […]


Or, “What would normal people do?” This has become my mantra over the last several months. But first I have an announcement: I’m not normal. (Shocker, I know). But really, who is? So for me, maybe this mantra should go one step further and say, “what would someone who isn’t emetophobic do?” Before I go […]


> Or, “What would normal people do?” This has become my mantra over the last several months. But first I have an announcement: I’m not normal. (Shocker, I know). But really, who is? So for me, maybe this mantra should go one step further and say, “what would someone who isn’t emetophobic do?” Before I […]

It’s Not What You Think

I’ve put off writing about this topic because it’s a tough one to even know how to articulate. I always try to find the humor in every day circumstances, but sometimes, there isn’t any to be found. Musicians play, dancers dance, babies cry and writers write. Even when it hurts. Even when there’s no clear […]