P52 Challenge: "Made With Love"

I have posted several times how mommy-hood has turned me into a sentimental shmuck. Although I still continue to ridicule my parents for proudly displaying choice pieces of truly “special” artwork from my childhood, I can at least say that I finally have the perspective that comes with from giving birth (hell, I almost cried […]

Distressing vs De-Stressing

I’m pretty sure I’ve always displayed a natural bent toward the arts. My parents will tell people it started when I scribbled silver crayon all over the back of their 70’s orange corduroy couch when I was two (but really, in my defense, I thought it could use a little help). Writing, drawing and tinkering […]

YO! It’s Time to Make a Cake!

Nevermind that watching Yo Gabba Gabba is like watching a 20 minute acid trip- Ella is obsessed with them. So naturally, this year’s birthday party theme is “Yo Ella-Ella!”, complete with balloons, plates, napkins and table-cloths in the various characters’ colors. And because I always jump at the chance to do anything crafty, I decided […]