“Five More Minutes”

Being a mommy has lots of implications.  I was prepared for the obvious ones- head chef, taxi, 24-hour on-call service, boo-boo kisser, tear-wiper, snuggle buddy, disciplinarian, etc. But almost exactly two years into this journey, I realized that if I were going to survive (and more importantly, if my children were going to), I was […]

Lessons In Chocolate

Jake and I have never been big Valentine’s Day people. We avoid going out to eat- opting to stay home, cook a nice dinner, and open up a good bottle of wine. We usually exchange cards, and occasionally there are flowers for me, and that’s usually it. Very low key. Now, if you know me, […]

New Years and Little White Flags

It’s January 3rd and everyone is probably off to a great start. We’ve cleaned out our closets, purged our pantries, stocked our shelves with nutritious foods, dug out our gym membership cards and hit the ground running (some of us, quite literally). Maybe we’ve decided that this year is the year we’re finally going to […]

Santa WTF

Who doesn’t thoroughly enjoy a bad Santa pic? I confess that I was a bit disappointed this year that Milo actually didn’t cry when he was placed on Santa’s lap (and Ella flat out refused to go near him). I was really hoping for another screaming Santa pic. Thankfully, I was able to enjoy a […]

"Run, Run Rudolph"

My Papaw was a man of few words and was known, among many things, for his candidness and dry wit. I remember that every year on Christmas morning, after the final present was opened and we found ourselves once again sitting in the remnant of boxes, toys, wrapping paper, mounds of clothes and half-empty mugs […]