“Mommy’s Sorry.” Again.

I think it’s important that children see their parents apologizing to them, admitting they were wrong or out of line.  I can still remember numerous times as a child when my mom or dad would come to me, one-on-one, and ask for my forgiveness.   One time when I was in the third grade, my […]

Memory Banks

Dear Ella, One day when you’re older, you might read this blog…and you’ll probably cringe just a little.  Okay, maybe a lot.  You’ll probably be embarrassed, but just remember, one day you’ll be lucky enough to have your turn at humiliating your own kids.  (It’ll be as awesome as everyone tells you it is).   […]

"Good Part, Sad Part"

For the past several months, we’ve been doing “good part, sad part” of our days at the dinner table.  It took a little while to catch on, but now it’s a regular thing with our family and Ella is often the one who initiates the conversation, which I love. After a particularly rough afternoon and […]

Just Keep Swimming

I honestly can’t remember when I last wrote a post.  (bad, bad K).   It usually only takes 3 or 4 days of no writing or some other creative output to cause me to shrivel up like, well…like my plants in our brown front yard.  I’ve been throwing all of my spare time and energy […]

A Wounded Healer

There’s a subtle yet powerful difference between seeing a doctor who, without so much as a second glance, writes you a prescription, and the one who actually sits down and empathizes with you (and who may or may not then offer you the same prescription). I saw a total of three counselors and two different […]

Dear Ella. . .

Dear Ella, We have not had the best day today. My mommy brain is trying desperately to understand what the big difference is between the clementine I handed you for a snack and the one you said you wanted. They are both orange. They are both round. They are the same size. Neither one of […]

P52 Challenge: I Have a Dream

Back in the worst years of my anxiety, I thought I would never be able to function a part from depending on anti-anxiety meds. I wasn’t sure that I could do anything on my own without some kind of safety net underneath to catch me. This weeks photo challenge is called, “I have a dream” […]

"Kristin, Meet Change."

“Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change – this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.” (Bruce Barton) Some people love change. I’m not one of them. Oh, I like the idea of change. Won’t it […]

The Forgotten Four Letter Word

There’s a scene in Sex and the City 2 where Charlotte is in the kitchen frantically making cupcakes with her oldest daughter while her younger daughter is in her highchair screaming and throwing a hissy fit. Her older daughter then smears bright red handprints all over the back of Charlotte’s cream vintage Valentino skirt, at […]

Today, Right This Minute.

It’s one of those days. I went to bed last night ready to wake up and tackle the day, ready to hit the ground running. But it’s 6:49 a.m and the day has already tackled me, has me pinned to the mat. My throat aches, my head throbs, my body is heavy- and not just […]